SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2001 - 12:00 noon - 8:00 PM
$10.00 Per Guest - Limit 2

To complete your online registration for the Solidarity Picnic, please provide the following information:

Note: Please use the TAB key to move between fields, and NOT the Enter key.

* Denotes a required field.

Please enter your name (First & Last).
Name: *

Your email address (you@wherever.com)
E-mail address: *

Your pay location:
Pay Loc: *

Your phone number, with area code:

Your Significant Other:
First & Last:

Your children:
First & Last, Age:
First & Last, Age:
First & Last, Age:

If you are bringing more than three children, use the 'comments'
space below to list their names and ages.

If you would like to volunteer to help with the picnic, use this box to  
Enter a convenient time (AM or PM) for us to reach you:

About Guests:
You cannot use this form to register guests. You must use the
printable version and mail it into the address on the form, along
with your check. We do not accept payments through the website.

-> Printable form

Extra information?
Enter it here:

*You must be a member in good standing on the day of the picnic.