

July 2011

pushpin[July 1st]

Postal Service Cancels Execs' Bonuses, Performance Awards
excerpted from an article by Sean Reilly, federaltimes.com

In its latest cost-cutting move, the U.S. Postal Service has halted bonuses and other performance awards for managers and administrators, the agency's chief human resources officer confirmed in a Friday memo.

Effective immediately, USPS officials are barred from spending any money on cash awards, gift certificates, event tickets and other tokens of employee recognition, Tony Vegliante wrote in the memo. The "temporary policy change" will continue until further notice, Vegliante wrote, and will apply to all Executive Administrative Service and Postal Career Executive Service employees.

The move is expected save some $7 million for headquarters functions, USPS spokesman Mark Saunders said in an email.

Compensation for postal officers and executives under the agency's pay-for-performance program will also be frozen until further notice, Saunders said in a separate news release.

The Postal Service is on track to lose more than $8 billion in fiscal 2011. Late last month, the agency indefinitely suspended its share of contributions into the Federal Employees Retirement System in another bid to conserve cash.

pushpin[July 1st]

Postal Jobs, Pay, Benefits Threatened by Congress
excerpted from APWU News Bulletin 14-2011

The Postal Service is in danger of financial collapse, and could close its doors as early as July 2012. A battle is raging on Capitol Hill over what to do about it, and one thing is clear: Our jobs, our pay, and our benefits are in jeopardy! Two very different plans are under consideration in the House of Representatives.

House Resolution 1351:
A bill introduced by Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA), the ranking Democrat on the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, would address the cause of the USPS financial crisis without cutting pay and benefits, eliminating collective bargaining rights, or slashing service.

House Resolution 2309:
A bill introduced by Rep. Darrell Issa (CA), the Republican chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and co-sponsored by Rep. Dennis Ross (FL), the Republican chairman of the Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, U.S. Postal Service and Labor Policy, would:

"We can't win the battle to defend the Postal Service and protect jobs without you! We are asking local union officers to organize APWU members to visit their U.S. representatives to discuss our concerns with them," APWU President Cliff Guffey says. "If you don't hear from your local officers, ask them why."

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